video streaming server

How To Setup Your Own Video Streaming Server In 5 Steps?

Learn More About Video Streaming

In the age of digital content, the demand for video streaming platforms has skyrocketed, and so has the need for reliable video streaming server. 

Finding the best streaming server can be daunting with so many options available. 

However, creating a streaming server can offer you complete control over your content without third-party interruptions. 

This article will guide you through setting up your own media streaming server. 

From selecting the right hardware to choosing the best software, we will cover everything you need to know to create a video streaming server that meets your needs. 

Whether you’re a content creator looking to share your work with the world or a business owner seeking to establish a video streaming platform, this guide will help you get started confidently. 

So, let’s dive into the world of video servers and learn how to set up a streaming server that stands out in today’s market.

What is Video Streaming?

Video streaming is the continuous process of media transmission over the internet from the streaming origin to your personal computers and smartphones. 

What is a Video Streaming Server?

The video streaming server is a web server with an integrated RTSP functionality that delivers live or on-demand video to internet-connected devices.

The only pre-condition is that the video must be encoded and transformed into a data format before using video streaming software.

The data must then be transmitted as a stream from your origin server to the user’s computer or smartphone.

Want To Create Own Video Server For Your Business?

Who Needs a Video Streaming Server?

A video server is necessary to distribute high-quality video content online. You will need a video streaming server if you are:

  • Content creator who wish to distribute and monetize your video content online.
  • Media company and content owner/aggregator looking to offer your customers live streaming or on-demand video streaming services.
  • Educational institution that offer online classes or distribute recorded lectures.
  • Event organizer who want to offer live streaming of video conferences, concerts, and other events.
  • Religious organization that want to live stream their services to remote audiences.
  • Sports franchise that want to offer live streaming of games or events to fans.

So, a streaming video server is a necessary pre-requisite for anyone who wants to share video content with a large audience online.

What to Look For in a Video Streaming Server?

When it comes to choosing the best streaming server, there are several factors that you must consider to ensure an uninterrupted streaming experience for your audience. 

Here are some key aspects to look out for in a media streaming server.

how to build a video streaming server

1. Build a robust CPU

The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of your server and is responsible for handling all processing tasks. A powerful CPU ensures smooth video playback and prevents buffering issues. 

The CPU must be powerful enough to handle multiple requests simultaneously, as streaming involves transferring large amounts of data quickly and efficiently.

During the streaming process, the server must encode the video and audio, transcode it to different formats, and deliver it to the end-users device. 

These tasks require significant processing power, and a robust CPU ensures that the server can handle these tasks without any lag or buffering.

Additionally, a powerful CPU is essential for live streaming, which requires even more processing power to deliver high-quality, low-latency video to viewers in real time. 

In short, a robust CPU is critical for ensuring that your video server can handle the demands of streaming video content without any glitches or delays.

2. Ensure adequate RAM availability

Random access memory (RAM) is another crucial component in setting up a video streaming server. The amount of RAM you need depends on the number of simultaneous streams you want to support. More RAM means more concurrent streams.

Having said that, to determine if you need more RAM or not, you can follow this thumb rule.

  • Determine the size of 30 seconds of your video (if the video is in HD, it should come to around 30Megabytes)  
  • Number of users accessing your streaming service simultaneously
  • Multiply the no. of users and the size of your video content. If the size is larger than 12 Gigabytes, you can upgrade the RAM size to 32 Gigabytes. 
  • Similarly, if it’s more than 28 Gigabytes, you can have RAM size of 64 Gigabytes or above.

3. Disk space availability:

Storing video files on your server requires significant disk space. It’s essential to ensure that your server has enough storage space to accommodate your video library and future expansions.

Meanwhile, always have some “empty space” on your disk for your OTT app to use for caching, just like in the case of RAM. 

Also, an SSD can improve your app speed by storing your videos and serving as an application cache. 

Additionally, you can use the usual hard disk for bulk video storage due, to cut down storage expenses.

4. Bandwidth port size for playability:

The bandwidth port size determines the maximum bitrate that your server can support. 

A larger port size means a higher bitrate, translating to better video quality. 

Therefore, choosing a streaming server with a large enough bandwidth port size is essential to support high-quality streaming.

Considering these factors, you can choose a streaming server that meets your requirements and provides a seamless streaming experience for your viewers.

Why Do You Need A Video Streaming Server?

A streaming server is a must-have tool if you plan to create your own video streaming platform or deliver content to a large audience. 

Here are the top reasons why you need a media streaming server:

Build video streaming server

1. Multiple video formats:

A good video streaming server supports a wide range of video formats, enabling you to deliver your video content to a diverse audience. 

This means your viewers can watch your content in their preferred format, ensuring you reach a wider audience.

2. Secure video delivery:

Media streaming servers provide secure video delivery, protecting your content from piracy and unauthorized access. 

By encrypting your video content, you can ensure that it can only be accessed by authorized viewers.

3. Cross-platform compatibility:

Video streaming software enables you to deliver content to various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs. This means your viewers can watch your content on any device, anywhere, anytime.

4. Geo-restrictions:

An online video streaming server allows you to set up geo-restrictions, enabling you to control who can access your content based on location. 

This is particularly useful if you have licensing agreements or want to restrict access to your content in certain regions.

How To Create Your Own Video Streaming Server in 5 Steps?

create a video streaming server

You must follow a few key steps to build your video server. 

Here’s a breakdown of the process:

Step 1: Know your requirements

Before setting up your video server, you must find answers to the following questions.

  • How large is your target audience? 
  • How crucial is the quality of the video stream?
  • What operating system are you currently using? Windows, Linux (Ubuntu), or Mac OS?
  • What are the necessary system requirements for your streaming server?
  • Who will have permission to view the video stream?
  • Is there a need to archive copies of the video stream?

Step 2: Set up a web server:

Setting up a web server is your first step in building a video streaming server. This will allow you to host and serve your video files to your viewers. You can use any web server software that supports HTTP or HTTPS.

Step 3: Configure streaming software:

Once your web server is up and running, you’ll need to install and configure your streaming software. Several different options are available on this front. It includes open-source solutions like FFmpeg and several other paid solutions.

Step 4: Setup a reliable CDN:

A video content delivery network (CDN) is a server network that works together to distribute your video content. This helps ensure that your viewers can access your content quickly and reliably from anywhere worldwide. You can set up your own CDN using software like Nginx or Apache or a third-party CDN like Amazon CloudFront or Akamai.

Step 5: Develop a media player:

Finally, you’ll need to develop a media player to display your video content on your viewers’ devices. You can use an existing player like VLC or HTML5 video player or create your own custom player using a framework like Video.js or JW Player. Ensure your player is compatible with all your viewers’ devices and browsers.

Must-Have Features on a Video Streaming Server

develop video streaming server

Choose the right streaming server to build the best online video platforms that meet all the requirements. 

Let’s discuss some top requirements when selecting a video streaming server.

1. Scalability:

The video server should scale per the demand and accommodate increasing users and video content without lag.

2. Video quality:

The media streaming server should support high-resolution video and audio codecs to ensure the best streaming experience for your viewers.

3. Adaptive streaming:

It is a crucial feature that enables seamless video playback on different devices and network speeds. So, ensure your video streaming software has in-built support for adaptive streaming. 

4. Video transcoding:

The video stream server software should provide a feature for converting videos to various formats and resolutions, allowing playback on different devices.

5. Security:

The on-premise streaming server should have the necessary video security features to protect video content from unauthorized access, piracy, and data breaches.

6. CDN integration:

The video streaming server should provide seamless integration with a CDN to deliver high-quality video content to viewers without buffering or downtime.

7. Analytics:

The server should have a robust analytics feature that provides detailed insights into video consumption, viewer behavior, and engagement to help you make informed decisions.

8. Low latency protocols:

Low latency video streaming protocols reduce lag time between live broadcasts and viewers. Popular low-latency protocols include WebRTC, SRT, and RTMP. 

9. Multi-device support:

The media streaming server should support multiple devices, including smartphones, tablets, desktops, and smart TVs. Because cross-platform compatibility is crucial for reaching a wider audience and maximizing user engagement

10. Technical support:

A proactive technical support team ensures the smooth operation of your media streaming server. It includes offering timely assistance with troubleshooting, updates, and maintenance can prevent downtime and other issues.

11. Customizability:

Customizable video streaming server allows content owners to tailor the platform to their specific needs and branding. Customization options may include layout, colors, logos, additional features, etc.

By ensuring your media streaming server meets these requirements, you can deliver your viewers a seamless and secure video streaming experience.

Benefits Of Building A Video Streaming Server:

Building an online streaming server offers a plethora of benefits to content creators, distributors, and viewers. 

Here are some of the noteworthy benefits of creating a streaming server:

  • Instant viewing without downloading:

One of the significant advantages of video streaming servers is the ability to stream content without downloading it first. With video streaming, viewers can instantly access and watch their favorite videos without wasting time and space downloading them.

  • Minimal RAM usage:

Video streaming servers are designed to stream videos with minimal RAM usage. It means viewers can watch high-quality videos without affecting their device’s performance.

  • Increased viewership:

With a media streaming server, content creators can reach a wider audience, irrespective of location, as viewers can access videos from anywhere in the world.

  • Increased revenue and cost efficiency:

By building a video streaming server, content owners can monetize their content and generate revenue through subscriptions, advertisements, and pay-per-view models. This can also help cut costs associated with physical media distribution.

  • Increased audience engagement:

Video streaming servers enable content owners to engage with their audience by offering interactive features such as live chats, social media integrations, and other engagement tools. This helps build a loyal audience and can increase engagement and brand loyalty.


Setting up your own video streaming server can provide numerous benefits, like instant viewing without downloading, increased revenue, better audience engagement, and so on. 

By following the steps, we’ve outlined – knowing your requirements, setting up a web server, configuring streaming software, creating a reliable CDN, and developing a media player – you can create a robust, on-premise streaming video server that can meet the needs of your organization or video streaming business.

It must be noted that setting up a video server needs prior experience and expertise. And, if you lack either of them, VPlayed can help you set up a video server and build a video streaming app

In addition, VPlayed offers extensive personalization options and allows for white-labeled video streaming

VPlayed offers the most powerful video transcoding solution on the market and the experience and technology needed to meet the ever-changing demands of the streaming industry. 

If you already have an idea about setting up a streaming server, feel free to schedule a personalized 30-minute demo at your own schedule.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ):

1. What is the Video Streaming Server?

A video streaming server is a software application that allows users to stream video content across the internet. It provides an interface for users to access and view video content, as well as a platform for delivering the content to clients. It can also include features such as encoding, transcoding, and storage for files.

2. How Does a Video Streaming Server Work?

A video streaming server works by receiving video data from a client, processing the data, and then sending it back out across the internet in the form of a live stream. The data is encoded and compressed to make it more efficient to transport and store and can be delivered in a variety of formats.

3. Why Do I Need A Streaming Video Server?

A video streaming server allows you to stream videos over the internet, enabling users to watch videos without needing to download them first. It is a great way to provide access to content on any device, at any time, and in any location.

4. How Do I Set Up a Streaming Server?

To set up a video streaming server you will need streaming software, a web server, a streaming media server, a content delivery network, a media player, and a video content management system. Additionally, you will need to set up the software and configure the settings, as well as establish a hosting plan for the server.

5. How Much Does a Video Streaming Server Cost?

The cost of video streaming server is governed by a number of things, but ultimately, streaming setup will be determined by your individual demands and business streaming goals. Considering streaming server costs, live streaming equipment costs, & professional service charges are the three key elements to consider.

6. What are the Requirements Needed for the Best Video Streaming Server?

The requirement needs for the best video streaming server that has many choices for setting up a secure video server and getting the videos up and running, depending on your business needs. To have exact components for your video streaming business requirements, you can now research various platform providers in the market & choose the individual components required. Some of them like CDN networks, adaptive bitrate protocols, streaming protocols like Apple Fairplay & more.

Brindalakshmi Rajkumar is a blogger & digital marketer. I'm enthusiastic about learning about new advancements in the video streaming services & online video platform in the market. I collaborate with various organizations and help analyze their competitors to provide them with better strategies to improve and keep their businesses up to date.


  1. Greg Keller Reply

    Hi, We are looking for a way to insert ad markers into an existing HLS linear channel (live, not vod). The stream would be sent from a remote video streaming servers. Do you have a solution to do this dynamically

  2. Zachary Thompson Reply

    Hello, Is that vplayed can use my own Can embedded video? Can use my own cloud video server? Can use fpx integration? Actually im from Malaysia. Just plan ott platform such as netflix for starting grow entrainment business

  3. Lila Bridges Reply

    Hi, how much does it cost? Monetization models? How many movies can be on the streaming video server? Can a movie be split into more than one part and all parts, including a limited number of ads, played, without user interaction? Thank you

  4. Ethel Gonzales Reply

    Hello, one of our clients (Hospital) is going to open a new building whit 50 new rooms. They want us to provide an on site video server solution they can run on their own network to upload in the server a catalog of video files (movies, series). working along with a encoder or media box in each room so the patients can stream the content in the tvs off each room.

  5. Stuart Buchanan Reply

    Do you guys provide VOD support with stream server, i already have a small OTT like of platform for my business. Also, I want to know do you guys have Server-side add integration in video on demand and what’s its cost. I fed up with my current provider and looking for better service provider.

  6. Alfonso Lane Reply

    Hi I am seeking a whitelabel streaming app for a client, who have some thousands of ip rights of local music. Interested to see if this solution can uphold a server, stream music online and offline via IOS and andriod and web, monetization solution such as subscription and analytics for royalty payments for musicians. Best regards

  7. Clark Luna Reply

    Hi, We are looking for a way to insert ad markers into an existing HLS linear channel (live, not vod). The stream would be sent from a stream video server. Do you have a solution to do this dynamically?

  8. Marie Curtis Reply

    Hello, Is that VPlayed can use my own Can embedded video? Can use my own cloud server? Can use fpx integration? Actually im from Malaysia. Just plan ott platform such as netflix for starting grow entrainment business

  9. Marvin Dixon Reply

    Hi, First, do you guys work with a team in Costa Rica who have white labeled your system or do you have a team in Costa Rica that talks to potential clients on user the name: baheygilden (they have posted pictures of your app on their service page). What is the cost for your service? Do I host it on my own server or video streaming server requirements? Can I use a and integration as my CDN instead of AWS? Thank you in advance for your reply

  10. Janis Osborne Reply

    Hi, how much does it cost? Monetization models? How many movies can be on the streaming server? Can a movie be split into more than one part and all parts, including a limited number of ads, played, without user interaction? Thank you

  11. Dale Mathis Reply

    Hello, one of our clients (Hospital) is going to open a new building whit 50 new rooms. They want us to provide an on site video server solution they can run on their own network to upload in the server a catalog of video files (movies, series). working along with a encoder or media box in each room so the patients can stream the content in the tvs off each room.

  12. Simon Robertson Reply

    Hello, i need video streaming platform that should completely run on xtream api but for my host only but don’t need a video streaming server that plays vod series and live tv channels, so what are your prices

  13. Hattie Reid Reply

    Good day, VPlayed team. I have a client who wants us to host and develop a website where the company can sell a subscription or pay per video viewing. I hope your solution is what we are looking for and that you do white labeling for our own domain, and the hosting with you or suggested video server suppliers. I am totally new to this and will be the technical/developer, so please assist with suggestions and video streaming server cost so that I can quote them.

  14. Pam Guzman Reply

    Hello Team, I’m interested in having a secure video streaming and VOD service with a video streaming server on my premises for my audience. I would like to see demo of your product with pricing details.

  15. Leo Shaw Reply

    Hey, We want to set up a TV with multiple channels, it should have a capacity to stream live videos that pull from streaming servers and show videos from YouTube and other sources. Ability to schedule is critical. Is it possible?

  16. Kristine Morris Reply

    Great insights and hope all the details on video streaming server has been really explained and it also provides more information which no other article has not explained these many details

  17. Angela Murphy Reply

    Setting up a video streaming server requires a lot of technical knowledge and this article very well explained and have mentioned the features of it.

  18. Mack Caldwell Reply

    Currently, I’m looking for a self hosted video streaming server that accepts business art as well. I’ve worked as a filmmaker for over a decade. The issue I guess was the content I make is pornographic, so I was wondering if your service accepts pornographic products? If so, could you show me a demo and pricing? Thank you.

  19. Terrance Hall Reply

    Hi, Could you please let me know what the cost for a video streaming server setup. I would like to make a video streaming server for my audience with secure online video streaming?

  20. Wendy Day Reply

    Hi, I am looking for a quote for a video streaming panel that is easy to import my m3u list and includes a VOD service that is reachable via Android, Apple, Windows and Linux devices. Thank you. I will also need updates for penetration tests/ unless you do testing and updates all in one package. And can I get the specs needed for a video streaming server hosting to host 100 users?

  21. Nathan Lyons Reply

    Hi, We need to build a video streaming server where we can have our new streaming network on all iOS & Android as a app and online website. We need Live streaming as well through the apps and website. What will be the cost to create video streaming server for my business?

  22. Louise Clarke Reply

    Team, I have my social mobile app and need to integrate a video conference feature in my online video platform. My user should be able to start the meeting without leaving my app. Can I get a rough estimation of about ” 30,000,000″ minutes of peer-to-peer call daily? Calls will not be stored. Please include bandwidth, software, and video streaming server costs separately.

  23. Antonio Nichols Reply

    Hi, we would like to know how to set up a video streaming server for my video streaming solution at one time cost not monthly subscription basis. Mainly video streaming is to be done locally by using Wi-FI Access point to 80 people who are in Wi_FI distance range. please give your comments.

  24. Duane Rhodes Reply

    Hello, we are looking for media streaming server software to integrate in our application. Our application requires a video streaming server, android app, ios app and web portal application. What will be the cost to set up a streaming server for my video platform.

  25. Doug Pope Reply

    Good afternoon. I want to develop an app to add iptv lists from any server. Do you develop app for Samsung and LG with these specifications?

  26. Toby Miles Reply

    Hi, I would like to know if you have a very low latency streaming service (under 2sec.) to send an h264/h265 stream from my Z3 technology encoder to my how to create a video streaming server or your cloud in order to receive the video signal in the studio. At most the stream will be used by 2 users. The video signal will be in HD with a minimum bandwidth of 5mbps. I await your news.

  27. Nichole Pena Reply

    Hi, We have OTT mobile app, we need server to upload the video files and how to setup a video streaming server to play in 3rd party player.

  28. Jacqueline Watson Reply

    Hii, I was planing to make an Anime Streaming Website. So I just wanted to ask how much would it cost to get one from you. I just want a good design and a good player, for the video server I was thinking to use some free servers like streamtap, or vidstream. But I don’t know much about it. Can you just tell me approximately how much would it cost for a basic website. Please only reply or contact by an email, don’t call me on my number

  29. Eula Rice Reply

    Hi, planning to start own streaming server for Live broadcasting , Sports Events & Religious events etc…

  30. Beulah Sherman Reply

    Hello! Do you offer a free / open-source self-hosted version of your VoD platform? We cant afford a commercial one and looking for a free version which we could use on our own streaming server till we cant manage it anymore and would have tot switch to a commercial one.

  31. Joel Allen Reply

    Hi, This is an entertainments and a good content looking for a good video server to help me sell some of my videos

  32. Tasha Morgan Reply

    Hi I am seeking a white label streaming app for a client, who have some thousands of ip rights of local music. Interested to see if this solution can uphold a server, stream music online and offline via IOS and andriod and web, monetization solution such as subscription and analytics for royalty payments for musicians.

  33. Ismael Byrd Reply

    Hi, We are looking for a way to insert ad markers into an existing HLS linear channel (live, not vod). The stream would be sent from a remote video streaming server. Do you have a solution to do this dynamically?

  34. Jodi Willis Reply

    Is that can use my own Can embedded video? Can use my own cloud server? Can use fpx integration? Actually Im from Malaysia. Just plan OTT platform such as Netflix for starting grow entrainment business

  35. Jason Staurt Reply

    Video streaming servers are the perfect streaming solution if your organization is concerned with security, privacy, and easy integration with existing networks.

  36. Manza Reply

    Iam from a entertainment business, I want to build video streaming website and video streaming server. Kindly tell me the pricing

  37. Dora Neal Reply

    Hello, I have a request for a quote for a video streaming panel that supports Android, Apple, Windows and Linux devices and is easy to import my M3U list to. Additionally, I would like to obtain the specs for a video streaming server setup for 100 users in the event that you do both testing and updates all in one package.

  38. Wayne Stewart Reply

    HI, I want to create a subscription based video streaming website (only) not an app. Example: and Features I want: Admin panel for uploading and managing the website, Analytics, Different video pixel quality to watch, Users will watch the video after buying a monthly subscription package, etc… My queries are: What is the renewal cost? What is the bandwidth? How many users can watch the video at one time? Server Space

  39. Troy Gordon Reply

    Hello, To work as a filmmaker for more than 10 years as well. At this moment I am looking for a self hosted video streaming server which can accept business art together. The issue I guess was, my contents are porn products. So Does your service accept porn products? If it is possible, I would like to see a demo and pricing. Thanks

  40. Alexander Maldonado Reply

    Hi, We have around 1 million users of our video streaming platform. Need to understand how you can help us encoding video, we have a cloud server for video streaming and svod script for a project users in remote areas with low bandwidth internet.

  41. Christie Kelly Reply

    I’m interested in having a secure online video streaming and VOD service with a video streaming server software on my premises for my audience. What would be the cost to make a video streaming server?

  42. Jerome King Reply

    Hi, I would like to know if your video streaming platform can be integrated with our current app. And, also what is the benefit of using your solution to build a video library over just putting video on our video streaming server. Thanks

  43. Lillian Rodriquez Reply

    Hello Vplayed, I will need to setup video streaming server with good bandwidth that can handle 1000 users to watch my videos. I will also need to make a good design so that I can attract more people to visit my website and server. I would also need to put ads on my web to earn money from it.

  44. Everett Sherman Reply

    Hello, we need video streaming server software for launching our Video streaming platform with. I need to know how scalable your solution is. I can’t tell you much about our project since it’s confidential. Here are a few details though: – Audience: to start, we’ll be aiming for 50-100k –> then will come the scaling phase – Films: aiming for roughly a 1000 a month –> this is the limit for max capacity on the server – Monetization Model : subscription based for the audience and the film makers (3 options for each) – Connection to social media will be needed – Advertisers spots available for sale Can you please tell us more about your platform? What is your pricing ? Thanks

  45. Angelina Tyler Reply

    Hello, I have a dedicated best video streaming server where I upload videos. I embed video tags on sites I’ve made for students to watch the video content. I want to be able to use my dedicated streaming servers but supply the videos in adaptive streaming so people with slow internet can still watch it without problems. Can you help with this to sort out a solution for my problem.

  46. Zachary Poole Reply

    Hi, We want to deploy an on demand audio and video streaming solution. We will host our content on our own hardware. We are looking for a transcoder and streaming server.How can you create a video streaming server that fits my solution.

  47. Myra Rhodes Reply

    Hi, As a video streaming server, we serve more than 150 apps that use our technology to serve and track ads. I’m wondering if you’ll have time to meet with me at CES next month to discuss cooperation between our companies. We also created a DSP and SSP for our app developers, and we are integrated with SSAI providers.

  48. Lori Bishop Reply

    Hey, I have a client who runs a free education app. He needs a video server so that he can handle high traffic. I would appreciate your best suggestions

  49. Cristina Hale Reply

    Hi, My project involves setting up two live TV and radio channels with a one-hour catch-up option and a VOD option (recording certain programs and replaying them right after). Depending on the program, viewers can go up to 500K. I want to know how to create my own video streaming server & capacity that I must have with a cdn.

  50. Wm Hughes Reply

    Hi, Would it be possible for me to test the Demo? Can you tell me where the videos are stored on the servers & host your own video streaming server? For my German customers, I am looking for a white-label streaming solution with a German server location. Would this be possible? Regards

  51. Luther Banks Reply

    Hello, Could you please provide me with an offer on how to set up a streaming server with PPV and the option of creating my own website in Poland, the UK, or the United States? Thanks in advance.

  52. Elisa Little Reply

    Hey, I’m currently working on a proposal for a public radio station redesign and development. Video would not be included in this. How to make video streaming server and audio clips are both desired: • A persistent audio player capable of playing three or more livestreams or playing archived audio clips.

  53. Estelle Lamb Reply

    Hello! Recently, our company implemented a VOD streaming service to build streaming server(on-premise). The product you offer offers the option of hosting on-premises. In addition to the architecture and requirements, we would appreciate a technical document for using the on-premise service.

  54. Mae Schwartz Reply

    Hello, the demo you sent shows exactly what I need. My question is, Am I required to make your own streaming server or your cloud? I am based in South Sudan, and I hope that’s okay. Second, how much does the total project setup and management cost? I would appreciate it if you could let me know everything, and if possible, send me the full quotation. Thanks

  55. Marcos Logan Reply

    Hi, The website I’m building for my friend will have one or two videos for each product. In order to upload and stream her demos, I am searching for a streaming server.

  56. Patty Chandler Reply

    Hi, Please let me know if your services meet my requirements so that I can become a loyal customer. How much do your packages cost? 2. Can I use my own logo and brand name.? 3. Would it be possible for me to have only my customers’ data? 4. Is it possible to offer ads for other companies and products on my app? 5. Is it possible to have both an app and a website? 6. Other than you, do I need to build video streaming server or host for the app and website? Thank you

  57. Roderick Oliver Reply

    Hi, Added is an OTT ad server for app developers (we serve over 150 apps that are using our tech to serve and track ads.We also developed an SSP and a DSP for our app developers needs and we are integrated with SSAI providers.I wonder if you will have the time to meet at CES next month to discuss cooperation between our companies.

  58. Kent Spencer Reply

    Hello, I have a client Who runs an app for free education He needs video streaming server software for High traffic handling. Please suggest to me your best

  59. Cedric Phelps Reply

    hello, I have a project to line up 2 live TV and radio channels with a 1 hour catch-up option, and VOD option (recording of certain programs that will be replayed right after). viewers can go up to 500K on some programs. I want to know the how to create a video streaming server & capacity that I must have with a cdn.

  60. Kara Stevens Reply

    Hello, can I test the Demo? Where are the servers where the videos are stored? My customers are in Germany and I am looking for a white label solution with a server for streaming location in Germany. Is this possible? Regards Swen

  61. Karl Stokes Reply

    Hello I hope my message finds you well. I want to inquire about the price of the all-inclusive package, what is the price with all the features. Is it possible to add it to my server or does it have to be on your servers? Thank you very much

  62. Naomi Reynolds Reply

    hello i want to start a video on demand business like netflix please what is the cost of your software so i can install in my server host video streaming server here in Nigeria

  63. Shawna Barnes Reply

    Hi, I want to create a streaming server for development purposes. So It will be good for me to have it free. It will cause a lot of load on the server.

  64. Rosemary Hodges Reply

    Hi, i am new in this IPTV business i want my own server video streaming with all over the world channels, VOD where i can manage my resellers and admin panel can you help me to find best for my business

  65. Lora Cooper Reply

    Hello, We were wondering how much it would cost to make a simple app for our music library website to play Student Works on demand. We don’t want to allow downloads, just streaming. The rights to the music are held by our student composers, and they would not be posting any copyrighted material. We have Server space on the network here at the college. So it would just be a player at our music department website, that points to the music stored on our media streaming server here. Thanks!

  66. Nellie Roberson Reply

    Hi there, We are interested in building our video cms for vod and streaming, also monetizing with ads. Are interested in the price quota and how cms works, can it be installed in on premise video streaming server or how it works? Many thanks

  67. Lance Haynes Reply

    Hi, Looking to create a tv show and movie hosting website by creating my own streaming video server.

  68. Damon Reeves Reply

    Hello we will like a demo on you OTT Channels we intend to use the best video streaming server to provide IP TV services within our camp

  69. Andrea Francis Reply

    Hello. We provide online classes for students. We would like to make some live broadcasts using your software with a video stream server. We currently have a server installed on the Ministra TV platform. If the price or tariff suits us, we would like to buy a license key. Please help us in this matter.

  70. Perry Weaver Reply

    Hi, Added is an video server for app developers (we serve over 150 apps that are using our tech to serve and track ads.We also developed an SSP and a DSP for our app developers needs and we are integrated with SSAI providers.I wonder if you will have the time to meet at CES next month to discuss cooperation between our companies.

  71. Clark Clark Reply

    Hello, I would like to build a subscription video streaming website, not an app. My questions are: What is the renewal cost? How much bandwidth is there? How many users can watch the video at the same time? How much server space is there? I want: Admin panel for uploading and managing the website, Analytics, Different video pixel quality to watch, Users will pay for the subscription package to watch the video, etc.

  72. Phil Sanchez Reply

    Please provide a quote for a video streaming panel that can be easily imported from my M3U list and includes a VOD service accessible via Android, Apple, Windows, and Linux. Thank you for your assistance. In addition to penetration tests, I need updates, unless you do both in one package. Could you please tell me what specs are needed to host 100 users on a video streaming server?

  73. Amy Roberson Reply

    Hi,. I am trying to understand how you can help me by encoding video. We have a video server streaming software and svod script for remote areas with low bandwidth internet access for a project.

  74. Rosemary Webster Reply

    Greetings, we are interested in building a video streaming server that allows us to upload videos from a mobile app to the server, embed video players in our mobile apps, the option of switching video resolution from the player, the ability to cache videos, analytics and reports on the videos, and decent storage capacity for uploading videos.

  75. Archie Reyes Reply

    Hi, we’re seeking an online video streaming server that can be integrated into our application. We need to build a video streaming server , an Android app, an iOS app, as well as a web portal application. Our goal is to find a one-time-paying solution, not monthly subscriptions. Streaming media will mainly be performed locally by using an access point to 80 people within WiFi range. Let us know what you think.

  76. Hugh Bell Reply

    Hi, Would you be able to integrate your video streaming platform with our current application and explain how it would be more beneficial to use your solution than just putting videos on our cloud server for video streaming. Thanks.

  77. Lindsay Powell Reply

    Hello, I hope my message finds you well. I want to inquire about the price of the all-inclusive package, what is the price with all the features. Is it possible to add it to my server or does it have to be on your servers? Thank you very much

  78. Roman Morris Reply

    Hi, I have a client who has his own Production Studio. He produces mainly Gospel. He wants his own streaming website and eventually an app. He has his own video streaming server which he’d like to use to host all his albums and have users stream from that Server. Users must be able to pay for his music on the site or app and stream. He’ll also be streaming his Music Videos.

  79. Rafael Pearson Reply

    Hello, I was wondering if your video streaming platform could be integrated with our current app, and what is the advantage of building a video library with your solution rather than just putting videos on our video streaming server.

  80. Rick Crawford Reply

    Greetings, we are looking to integrate & build a video streaming server into our application. Our application will require an android app, an iOS app and a web portal application. A complete solution is needed at a one-time cost, not on a monthly subscription basis.

  81. Susie Mills Reply

    I would like to set up a secure online video streaming and VOD service for my audience with a on premise video streaming server. What would the cost be?

  82. Kari Patterson Reply

    Hi, We are interested in creating an online video streaming server that will allow us to upload videos from the mobile app to the server. Videos can be played in a mobile app through an embedded player, a choice of video resolution can be made, the video can be viewed offline by caching, analytics and reports on it, and a decent amount of storage.

  83. Erika Ray Reply

    hello i want to start a video on demand business like netflix please what is the cost of your software so i can install in my self hosted video streaming server here in Nigeria

  84. Pamela Moss Reply

    Thank you for your time, I would like to know how you can help us encode videos for our video streaming platform, as we have a cloud server for video streaming and SVOD script for users in remote areas with slow internet.

  85. Ora Frank Reply

    At present, I am looking for a video streaming server that can accept both business art and pornographic products. My issue is that my contents are pornographic. Do you accept pornographic content? Thank you. I would like to see a demo and pricing if it is possible.

  86. Hattie Daniel Reply

    Thank you for your time. I am interested in creating a subscription-based video streaming website. I want: An admin panel for uploading and managing the website, Analytics, Different video pixel quality options, Users will watch videos after purchasing a monthly subscription package, etc, etc… What is the renewal fee?

  87. Adrian Hawkins Reply

    Hello I hope my message finds you well. I want to inquire about the price of the all-inclusive package, what is the price with all the features. Is it possible to add it to my video streaming server software or does it have to be on your servers? Thank you very much

  88. Angel Carter Reply

    Hello, We currently pay our video server company to provide our VOD for our content (government meetings, Town Events, Sports, School Events, etc). There is a limit on the amount of storage we can use. We do not have a lot of video plays (if we have 2 or 3 at the same time that is a lot). Some videos may get a hundred plays, so we do not get a lot of viewers, but we do have a lot of content. Curious what the cost is for this. While I can tell there is a hosted option, I cannot tell if there is a self-hosted option. Have no idea what the user interface looks like and how videos can be grouped. Curious what this might look like, how it would work, and what it costs.

  89. Mario Fletcher Reply

    Hi, We would like to create video streaming server which allows us to upload videos from mobile app and server, Embed player in mobile app to play videos, Option to switch video resolution from player, Option to play video offline by doing some caching, Analytics and reports on video, Decent storage availability to upload video

  90. Jesse Fowler Reply

    Hello, we are looking for media streaming server software to integrate in our application. Our application requires a media streaming server, an android app, ios app and web portal application. We are looking for a complete solution at one time cost, not monthly subscription basis. Mainly media streaming is to be done locally by using Wi-FI Access point to 80 people who are in Wi_FI distance range. please give your comments.

  91. Luz Powers Reply

    Hi, I am looking for a VOD server with 100TB storage and able to handle 10,000 clients simultaneously. And video bitrate will be 2-4 MBPS

  92. Brooke Williamson Reply

    Hi, We are a systems integrator based In Africa with a client on how to set up a video streaming server similar to Netflix Need solution & I would like to know the video streaming server cost ASAP.

  93. Jennifer Chapman Reply

    Good morning. I have to know if I can replicate a personal Vineo system with vplayed and how is the system organized. I have to build a video streaming server for hosting my videos with embedding on external websites for our course. Actually I have a problem with bandwidth cause we consume 60tb every year of streaming from our student. Let me know the pricing and how it’s organized (server cdn steaming and so on) Thank you

  94. Carolyn Jefferson Reply

    Hello Team, We do have more than 1000 videos which can be used for education purposes. We need to host them on the streaming server and we require protection on those videos like encryption and DRM protection on those video. We do have a large number of learners who are going to view those videos. So please let me know if there are any plans which can be suit our requirements. If there are, please share those plans so we can initiate work on it to move further and like to know the video streaming server cost.

  95. Olga Russell Reply

    Team, We are planning to launch a video streaming website . We are looking for a self hosted video streaming server to serve our needs . We are looking to partner Yearly . Please send me your plan that could serve the below service better . Details : Website : E- Learning Video Data Storage : 40 TB Users : < 3600 People Usage : 24*7 Data Usage per User ( BW ) : Unknown There are no particular constraints about how much RAM or Dedicated Server . Just Tailor the best plan that could serve the needs and send your quote for 1 Year .

  96. Belinda Murray Reply

    Hi, Our catalog has 50 movies. We plan to add a new movie every two weeks or every month. Our streaming service will be free and only available to Mexico for the first 3 months or so, monetization will come from video advertising (every 15 minutes, 1 minute of advertising). My questions: a) Where are your streaming servers located (country)? b) Can I upload and manage the ads directly to VPlayed (without requiring a third party ad server)? c) Can I get VPlayed pricing plans for an on premise video streaming server and included features to decide on one? Thank you!

  97. Rex Becker Reply

    Hello, We would like to have the best video streaming server for our video content that should be fast and reliable which includes iOS and Android Apps.

  98. Tyler Reply

    Hi very useful information about video streaming platforms & self-hosting with monetizing model. How to start a video streaming business with your solution. Looking to hear from you.

  99. Allen Bradley Reply

    Hi, I run a non-government organization which is called Fundacja Katarynka. We work for visually impaired and deaf people and prepare movies with audio-description and SDH subtitles. I’m looking for a new streaming system with one-time payment. Not so high because we’re a non-profit organization.That’s why I need some other solution based on dedicated streaming server/servers without transfer limits. Share your pricing details

  100. Jaydon Gonzalez Reply

    Hi, We want to deploy on demand video streaming service. We will host our content on our own hardware with video streaming server software. We are looking for transcoder and streaming server. Thank You

    1. Masi Reply

      Hi.. Thanks for furnishing your requirements. You can have a hosting solution at your premise, with an advanced streaming server from VPlayed with encoding & transcoding capabilities easily. Let’s have a discussion to get your niche requirements with the server functionalities at once. All you have to do is fill the contact us form, & our streaming professionals will quickly get in touch.

  101. Keira Franklin Reply

    Hi, we are looking for white label video streaming solution for our own domain, and the hosting with you or suggested video streaming server suppliers. I am totally new to this and will be the technical/developer, so please assist with suggestions and pricing so that I can quote them.

    1. Masi Reply

      Hi.. Very glad to hear from you. Certainly we will assist you in having your own white label video streaming solution with complete platform ownership… For additional information, please drop in your queries in the contact us page of VPlayed.

  102. Nayeli Holden Reply

    Good day, VPlayed team. I have a client who wants us to host and develop a video streaming platform where the company can sell a subscription or pay per videos video viewing. I hope your video streaming solution will help us.

    1. Masi Reply

      Hi.. Yes, surely you can sell subscription or PPV-based videos within a centralized video streaming platform. You can now have better inputs along with a free demo on how to build a live streaming server from our sales team. Please feel free to get in touch to have your customized streaming video solution.

  103. Luca Mcneil Reply

    Hi, I want to stream videos. We will have an estimated 50000 users watching 5 minutes of video per day. So there should be no buffer at all. What will be the pricing for streaming video servers?

    1. Masi Reply

      Hi you can now have an advanced HLS streaming player that powers your video content streaming with zero latency & buffer-free experience. Here’s why HLS streaming protocol is important for heavy-loaded streaming server:

  104. Marvin Tyler Reply

    This is Marvin Tyler, we are looking for a low cost secured video streaming solution for our android ,iOS app and other browsers. We are at an initial stage of evaluating different video hosting platforms and we like to know about your pricing plan.

    1. Masi Reply

      Hi Marvin.. You can get in touch with us by filling the contact form and providing us with your niche requirements now! Also, you can have a quick demo for your new video streaming platform

  105. Antony Atkinson Reply

    Hi Team, I am part of a investor in a company and we are looking for an alternate video streaming solution for event with live and On demand streaming with security features.

  106. Samantha Meyer Reply

    Hello, I am interested in video security on streaming based with complete security from screen recording of video encrypted & cloud based server. I would like to have testing of your products and solution. Let us know your idea on this.

    1. Masi Reply

      Hi.. Thanks for providing your requirements. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible to shape your business objectives into reality! Till then, you can avail a free demo to create streaming servers & test your solutions before the purchase.

  107. Himani Persaud Reply

    Hi, We are looking for video streaming platform with self hosting & monetizing model. Can VPlayed help us to start a video streaming business with your solution. looking to hear from you.

    1. Masi Reply

      Hi.. We deeply appreciate your valuable response. You can have a self hosted solution with flexible monetization models all under one umbrella, a leading video streaming platform. Please let us know with your mailing address to furnish other details immediately..

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