difference between tizen vs androidtv

What is the Notable Difference Between Tizen OS Vs Android TV?

Discover More about OTT TV App

Some of the operating systems are widely utilized as most people have an awareness of their popularity. While those are undoubtedly known as the most well-known operating systems in the world of smart connected tech, they aren’t alone. In fact, there’s this one OS called Tizen, which might be hanging in your living room & wouldn’t have realized it. 

Often people are seen to be loved the Samsung’s picture quality, even more than Sony Bravia Android TV. Generally speaking, Samsung doesn’t make any television that run android TV. Instead, they all run their proprietary Tizen TV OS. 

When users decide to buy a new television the first thing that comes to mind is checking out picture quality. But you’ll have to put up with the operating system for a while unless you connect another streaming device to it. 

For tech fans, Tizen is a known brand. Mostly, it is regarded as the operating system that Samsung has built its wearable devices in the past, which lets us know the half of the story. Tizen OS has been around for some time & can not only relate with watches, but with other fitness trackers, etc. 

Since they’re two of the most popular smart TV platforms, it would be interesting to outline the differences between Samsung’s Tizen TV and Android TV. 

Today, we’ll briefly talk about each operating system and their features, available applications, gaming and updates. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding when your viewers are looking to buy their next smart TV. 

What is Tizen OS?

what is tizen OS

Tizen is an irreplaceable smart TV operating system that available in any part of the world. It was developed by Samsung & Intel. The Tizen OS is a Linux-based operating system which supports smartphones, tablets & PCs apart from Samsung smart TV. 

As compared to other operating systems, Tizen operates much faster. It comes with a 64-bit processor and provides its viewers with the best picture quality. It makes Tizen the most utilized Smart TV operating system out there.    

Additionally, because it is open source, programmers are allowed to utilize it, expand upon it and create use cases for it. And since it’s built on Linux framework like mentioned its operating systems are so flexible which can be utilized on, wearables or smartwatches, in-car infotainment systems & TVs, among other device screens. 

Thinking Of Creating Your Own TV App For Your Brand?

What is Android TV?

what is android tv

Android TVs are the smart TVs that run on an Android-supported operating system which is developed by Google. Since the time of its launch, it has been put to use greatly in google-based devices for the past years. It is of no surprise that the same operating system is used on several smart TVs and android TV boxes. 

Android TV comes with a built-in Google play store and people can use it to download any number of applications from it. Also, it includes popular apps like Hulu, YouTube, Disney+, Paramount and HBO Max. 

Starting from streaming apps just like Netflix to single or multi-player, users can experience the enhanced version of all available android phones that includes gaming, voice search, online & offline viewing, etc. 

It is available in the big screen through Android TVs. There are native android TV apps that you can install right from the Google play store. Also, users can sideload native android apps on their TV.  

Let us look more into its.

Differences Between Tizen OS Vs Android TV

tizen os and android tv
  1. The Base of Technical Architecture

While we compare to Android, Tizen is found to be much more faster during start-up as its body is quite lighter in terms of weight. The fact doesn’t go unnoticed Tizen offers a 64-bit processor which isn’t offered by Android TVs. And the importance of it is more covered while we speak about television viewing, the picture quality is quite better with Tizen. 

  1. Make it Picturesque via User Interface

Android and Tizen are quite similar when it comes to layout. While the difference comes into notice that the Android offers a Google-centric search bar for findability, on the other hand Tizen has a more laid out status bar. Also, while users get to browse-through recent apps, few say that it is not as user-friendly, in comparison to Android.

  1. Stunning Apps Catch the Attention 

While we know that Android TV has the built-in Google’s play store it has thousands of dedicated television-optimized apps. The number always seems to be increasing every day. What’s more, Apple TV app is pairing to Android TVs on only certain Sony models. Despite Tizen’s app library isn’t equally vast, it does offer support across all major OTT video platforms.

  1. Enticing Gaming Beat the Competition

Tizen OS is not the apt platform suggested while you are interested in gaming via TV. Having said that, Tizen does have more than fifty different games in its app store. However, users can easily install all of games supported by Google Play store as it offers inherent gaming functionality. It includes mobile-friendly games with better graphics for viewability. 

  1. Special Aids from Voice Assistant

The voice assistant on Tizen OS is no match for the one on Google. Android outperforms Tizen in this area by a wide margin thanks to its superior voice recognition and extensive operating system integration. So much so that Samsung anticipates supporting Google’s speech assistant soon.

Tizen Vs Android TV OS – Which one is better?

While Tizen has a minor advantage in technical architecture, Android performs better in areas like gaming, app support etc. And in terms of UI, they perform equally well. 


  • Choose Android – If you prefer gaming, a vibrant app store and intuitive voice assistance. 
  • Choose Tizen – If you prefer a better-looking and simple-to-use user interface over other factors.

Hire Dedicated Development Team to Develop Your Tizen TV App /Android TV App

Building a standout streaming app for Tizen TV or Android TV hinges on the right concept as well as finding the right team. 

At VPlayed, we have a unique solution — dedicated OTT developers to help you build, customize, deploy, and maintain your OTT TV app.
Here’s why this approach stands out and is a game changer:

  1. Ready To Work Team: We have a team of skilled, well-experienced developers. Our team is ready to hit the ground running from the word go, ensuring swift progress from day one.
  2. Pay As You Use: With our cost-effective pay-as-you-use model, you only pay for the resources your project demands. You need not worry about cost overruns due to project delays. 
  3. Access to the App’s Source Code: Partnering with us grants you access to your OTT TV app’s source code, allowing you to fine-tune and customize it as and when needed.
  4. Intuitive UI/UX Development: Our approach centers on simplicity, streamlined navigation, mobile responsiveness, and unwavering consistency. It creates a user-friendly and visually appealing Tizen TV or Android TV app.
  5. Multiple Cloud Deployment: Our expertise enables us to deploy your app seamlessly across multiple cloud platforms, from Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure to Google Cloud Platform. 
  6. Customize Anything On Your Tizen TV/Android TV app: You can customize every aspect when hiring dedicated Tizen TV or Android TV app developers. In other words, you can align your app precisely with your brand identity.
  7. Hassle-free Migration: We ensure a smooth, 100% safe, and secure migration process — whether you’re transitioning from another platform or enhancing your existing app. 

So, partnering with VPlayed and our dedicated developers means you can create a dynamic streaming app for Tizen TV or Android TV. And, unlike other third-party developers, VPlayed ensures that your app aligns perfectly with your vision, budget, and timeline.

Final thoughts:

A quick recap.

Tizen is an open-source operating system for smartphones and tablets, whereas Android TV is based on Google’s open-source core technology. 

None of them are lacking any essential component that would diminish the viewing experience. Despite this, Android TVs provide you additional choices; how you choose to use this freedom is entirely up to you, the end user. For conventional users who want a basic user interface and a full-size keypad for easier navigation, Android TV OS is a better option. Having said that, Tizen OS is also incredibly approachable and highly recommended.

If You Already Have An Idea About Launching An OTT TV App For Your Services, Schedule A Free Demo And We’ll Help You Implement It!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What are the differences between Samsung Tizen TV and Android TV?

The key differences between Tizen TV and Android TV are: Tizen TV is developed by Samsung and used exclusively on Samsung smart TVs. 
On the other hand, Android TV is developed by Google and used on various smart TVs from different manufacturers. 
Also, Tizen TV has a more streamlined, easy-to-use interface. But, Android TV offers more customization options and access to the Google Play Store.

2. What are the benefits of launching a Tizen Tv app for smart TV?

The benefits of launching a Tizen TV app include reaching a large user base and leveraging the popularity of Samsung Smart TVs. For TV owners, it offers a refined viewing experience, an easy-to-use interface, and numerous choices to choose from.

3. What are the benefits of launching an Android Tv app for smart TV?

Launching an Android TV app benefits you in several ways — it expands the potential audience due to widespread adoption. In addition, it grants access to the Google Play Store’s resources and infinite customization options. This aids in building versatile applications and developing an ecosystem. 

4. Can I install third-party apps on Android TV?

Of course, Yes. You can install third-party apps on Android TV. 
In fact, one of the key benefits of Android TV is that it offers access to the Google Play Store. It provides users with access to a vast array of apps from different developers.

5. Can I install third-party apps on Samsung Tizen TV?

Yes, you can install third-party apps on Samsung Tizen TV. However, the process for installing third-party apps on Tizen TV is slightly different from that on Android TV. 
To install third-party apps on Tizen TV, you must download the app file (APK) from a trusted source. Then, install the application in developer mode on your Samsung smart TV. You can start using the app thereof.

Video Monetization & OTT Expert at CONTUS VPlayed. Interested in digging deep into video/audio streaming media tools, and Love to blog, discuss and share views on the legal OTT app development' & latest technologies tips, and tricks. He's also passionate about photography loves to capture the pure essence of life.


  1. Babe Ruth Reply

    Great breakdown of the differences between Tizen OS and Android TV! Personally, I’ve always been a fan of Tizen’s smooth interface and app integration. However, it’s interesting to see how Android TV’s extensive app library and Google Assistant integration give it an edge. It’s all about finding the right balance between user experience and functionality.

  2. LeBron James Reply

    I’ve had experience with both Tizen and Android TV, and I must say that Tizen’s intuitive layout and seamless navigation make it my preferred choice. But I can’t deny the appeal of Android TV’s customization options and compatibility with various apps. It really boils down to personal preference and what you value more in a smart TV platform.

  3. Michael Jordan Reply

    As a movie lover, having access to a wide range of streaming apps is crucial for me. That’s why I lean towards Android TV. The ability to cast content from my phone directly to the TV is a game-changer. Nevertheless, Tizen’s performance is truly remarkable, and it’s fascinating to see the unique strengths of each platform.

  4. Bo Jackson Reply

    This article cleared up a lot of confusion for me. I’ve been debating between Tizen and Android TV for my new TV purchase. It seems like Tizen offers a more streamlined experience, while Android TV provides a more open ecosystem. Decisions, decisions!

  5. Jim Thorpe Reply

    Kudos for the in-depth comparison! Tizen’s simplicity and focus on optimized performance are perfect for my home theater setup. On the other hand, I can see how Android TV’s versatility suits those who want endless customization possibilities. It’s all about picking what aligns with your needs.

  6. Wayne Gretzky Reply

    I appreciate the pros and cons you’ve highlighted. Tizen’s limited app selection has been a concern for me, but its fast and fluid interface keeps me engaged. Android TV’s vast app store is tempting, but sometimes too many choices can be overwhelming. Finding the right balance is key!

  7. Roger Federer Reply

    The battle between Tizen and Android TV is a testament to how competitive the smart TV market has become. Both platforms have their merits, and it’s exciting to witness the ongoing innovations and improvements. Who knows what features they’ll introduce next to win over users?

  8. Tiger Woods Reply

    For a family-oriented setup, I think Tizen’s user-friendly interface and kid-friendly features make it a winner. It’s important to have a system that everyone can easily navigate. However, Android TV’s gaming capabilities and broader app range might make it more appealing to households with diverse interests.

  9. Cristiano Ronaldo Reply

    The choice between Tizen and Android TV ultimately comes down to how you consume content. If you’re heavily invested in the Google ecosystem, Android TV seamlessly integrates with your devices.

  10. Muhammad Ali Reply

    Thanks for the breakdown! As someone who loves tweaking settings and exploring new apps, I’m leaning toward Android TV. The ability to sideload apps and customize the interface really speaks to my inner tech enthusiast. It’s great that we have options that cater to different types of users and preferences.

  11. Lameck Reply

    Thank you so much for a such wonderful and helpful information that would help people to know the differences between Tizen and Android OS that may so help to make the right choice.

  12. Maximiliano Reply

    As a TV app streaming service, it’s important for me to understand the types of streaming apps in tizen os and Android TV. This blog post was very helpful in providing that information.

  13. Lissarazo Reply

    This is the blog where I am looking so for, a clean and neat description of Samsung Tizen vs android. I and my friends were planning to start a business by creating our own tv app platform, this helps me a lot. Thanks for sharing

  14. Ramgopal Reply

    Good blog on Tizen vs Android: Tizen TV uses Samsung’s proprietary Tizen OS, while Android TV uses Google’s Android operating system. Tizen TV has a simpler and more intuitive interface, while Android TV has more customization options and access to Google Play Store.

  15. Avery Reply

    As a video streaming business, finding a TV app service that can handle the high-quality files I work with can be a challenge. By reading this article I got a clear idea of the difference between tizen os vs android tv. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Nicholas Reply

    Great article! I’ve been looking into Android TV vs Tizen OS options for a while now, and the advantages you have explained of vod platform is helps me really great.

  17. Dante Reply

    I’ve been trying to educate myself on the TV App streaming industry and this blog post was very helpful in understanding the Samsung Tizen OS vs Android TV. Thank you for the informative article.

  18. Martin Reply

    I found this blog post to be a valuable resource for understanding what is Tizen, & how it differs from android tv vs Tizen. I think it’s important for people to know the distinctions between these two types of TV app streaming platforms.

  19. Derek Reply

    As someone who is new to the TV app streaming world, this blog post was extremely helpful in understanding what is Tizen os in TV app streaming and how it differs from Tizen OS vs Android TV. Thank you!

  20. Francisco Reply

    I appreciate the clear and concise way this blog post explains what is Tizen, It’s not always easy to find information on these topics that is easy to understand difference between android tv and Tizen OS.

  21. Greyson Reply

    Your article was a great resource for understanding the differences between android tv and Tizen os. I appreciate the clear and concise explanations you provided.

  22. Wesley Reply

    I’m searching for the difference between Tizen vs android, and your comparison was really helpful. Thanks for the useful information!

  23. Jeremiah Reply

    Your article gave me a lot of knowledge about the difference between smart tv in Tizen and android tv. Nice information about the smart tv app with the benefits and features of ott app. Thanks for sharing

  24. Leonardo Reply

    Your analysis of the pros and cons of the different between Tizen and google tv options was really helpful. It’s tough to know which one is the best fit, but your comparison made it much easier to know about smart tv app works

  25. Bennett Reply

    Thank you for sharing your expertise on Samsung Tizen os vs android tv. Your article was a great resource and I learned a lot from it.

  26. Parker Reply

    Thank you for sharing, I have a doubt about whether smart tv support all ott apps while reading your article cleared me and it provide me with the difference between Samsung Tizen operating system vs android tv. I’ll definitely keep your recommendations in mind when making my own custom streaming app.

  27. Diegonmarter Reply

    Good Blog! These features and advantages of Android TV vs Tizen will help me to draw in new viewers and plan to create my own smart tv application.

  28. Delilah Reply

    Nice Post! I appreciate you providing this lovely content because it was very useful to read and helped me learn more about the difference between Samsung tv operating system vs android tv.

  29. Jose Reply

    Good to know about the informative one on the current trends, It will be the right time to get information on smart tv powered by Tizen and android tv and its difference.

  30. Eliza Reply

    I want to know about android tv vs Samsung tv differences and why it is important for smart tv app-based content owners to generate revenues.

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