how to live stream a class

6 Tips For Lecturers To Live Stream a Classroom Online

Explore Education Streaming

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world witnessed a remarkable transformation in education. Live streaming classroom have become the new norm, transforming how students and educators interact. Live online class platforms have made it super simple to transform the traditional classroom into a virtual one. This provides students with a dynamic and engaging learning experience.

For context, the global e-learning market is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 14.6% from 2020 to 2025. predicts that the market size will reach $375 billion by 2025.

As we navigate the post-COVID era, live streaming of online classes continues to shape the future of education. The integration of technology, coupled with its convenience, ensures that students can access quality education regardless of geographical limitations.

The landscape of education is changing. Live online classes are important, as they provide a platform for students and teachers to connect. They can collaborate and work together on an educational journey that transforms them.

This blog will explore the benefits and best practices of live streaming classroom. It will shed light on their tremendous potential for shaping the future of education.

What are the Benefits of Live Streaming Classroom?

Contrary to the common perception, online live class platforms offer several benefits over offline classes. They offer students and teachers a flexible, interactive, and highly personalized environment. Let’s find out how live-streaming online classes is beneficial in the long run.

How to Live Stream Classes Online

1. More Scope for Teacher-Student Interaction

Some argue that traditional learning environments are more interactive. But live online classes provide equal opportunities for all. In live or private chat, even introverted students can ask questions. Students can mute their microphones or disable their cameras while still participating in the lecture.

This is not the case with offline education.

2. Flexibility of Online Lectures

Live-streaming online classes offer unparalleled adaptability compared to traditional classrooms. No more constraints of physical space or long commutes. Just turn on your computer or mobile device and start streaming lessons at your convenience. And you’re all set to learn something new.

3. Improved Participation and Pass Percentage

Live classes online allow interaction with students through chats and comments. It makes the class more dynamic, encourages debate, and allows immediate answers to questions. Using a simple messaging system, those watching can interact with the teacher and other viewers. 

According to a study by the University of California, Berkeley, students who participated in live online classes had a 14% higher pass rate than those who took the same course in a traditional classroom setting.

4. Educators Can Live Stream Classes from Laptop or Mobile

Internet penetration is on the rise. This makes it easy to create live courses using the best virtual classroom platform. You can do this from your smartphone camera or laptop.

Educators can stream an online class through the Live app, which is available for Android and iOS. Thanks to ultra-low latency live broadcasting, you may insert live classes directly into your website/app.

5. Delivering Audio or Podcast Coaching

Podcast coaching is a new concept in e-learning, appealing for its low cost and easy implementation. Conduct audio-only online classes with Live and let students learn on the go.

6. Online Learning is Affordable

The benefits of online learning platforms is cost-effectiveness. High-ranking institutions invest substantial funds in student fees for various courses. 

Physical classroom attendance significantly raises student expenses, such as textbooks and other study materials. A substantial amount of money is also saved on commuting and other expenses associated with offline courses.

7.  Increased Revenue Generation for Educators/Platform Owners

Online education increases revenue for educators by expanding their reach to a global audience. virtual classrooms enable educators to accept more students. They can also provide specialized programs. Furthermore, they can monetize their expertise by charging paid subscriptions or course fees, increasing revenue opportunities.

How to Live Stream Online Classes? The 7-Step Guide

Live Stream A Classroom Online

1. Select an Appropriate Setting for Live Streaming a Classroom

Find a quiet, well-lit area with a clutter-free background to create a professional environment for your live online classes. 

Consider using a dedicated workspace or setting up a pleasant backdrop. It should enhance the visual appeal and minimize distractions.

2. Gather the Necessary Tools and Equipment for Online Streaming

classroom streaming solutions for web and mobile

Equip yourself with all the essential tools to stream your online classes. Invest in the following equipment and gather them all in one place. 

  • A webcam/DSLR for high-quality and crisp visuals
  • A decent microphone for voice/audio communication (ensure it is compatible with your computer)
  • Gimbal/Tripod for maintaining stable camera positioning (if you plan to use a dedicated camera)
  • Quality lighting for clear streaming, especially in low-light conditions
  • A video encoder for seamless transmission to your chosen video streaming platform

Invest in a comfortable headset and consider using a digital pen or graphics tablet for better interactive teaching.

3. Choose the Ideal Video Streaming Platform for Your Online Classes

Research and select a suitable platform with features aligned with your teaching requirements. 

Look for platforms that provide seamless video streaming, interactive chat options, screen-sharing capabilities, and student engagement features.

There are free streaming platforms like YouTube, Zoom, and Facebook that offer convenience and a large user base. However,  they may lack many exclusive features tailored for educational purposes. 

Besides, building your audience base and content monetization is difficult on free streaming platforms.
Alternatively, opting for a dedicated platform provider like VPlayed allows you to build your own customized online class platform. 

It ensures greater control, branding opportunities, advanced features, and enhanced security for your online classes.

Evaluate various platform providers based on factors like scalability, customization options, interactive capabilities (live chat), monetization opportunities, and technical support. Make an informed decision that aligns with your teaching objectives and student engagement requirements.

4. Ensure a Stable and High-Speed Internet Connection

A stable and high-speed internet connection is vital for uninterrupted live streaming of online classes. 

First, optimize your network infrastructure with cutting-edge Wi-Fi routers boasting advanced signal amplification. 

Second, secure a high-speed broadband connection, offering generous bandwidth to support uninterrupted streaming. Lastly, partner with a reliable network provider that guarantees consistent connectivity minimizing latency and maximizing data transfer rates.

A minimum of 10Mbps is needed to ensure uninterrupted streaming, but 15 to 20 Mbps will work best to ensure seamlessness. 

5. Prepare a Well-Structured Outline and Teaching Content:

Creating a clear structure and engaging materials for live-streaming online classes is important to keep students focused and motivated. 

You can start by outlining the main topics and objectives you want to cover in each session. Break down the content into manageable sections or modules to ensure a logical flow of information. 

To foster student participation, incorporate interactive elements such as quizzes, discussions, or group activities. 

Additionally, use multimedia resources like videos, slideshows, or simulations to enhance the learning experience.

Finally, create a checklist of must-haves of all the necessary elements.

  • Clearly defined learning objectives
  • Organized outline with a topic breakdown
  • Engaging teaching materials to ensure interactive teaching (videos, slides, group discussions)
  • Multimedia resources for visual and auditory learning
  • Assessments or quizzes to measure understanding
  • Clear instructions and guidelines for student tasks or assignments.

6. Conduct a Test Stream Before Going Live

Firstly, it helps you identify technical issues, familiarize yourself with the technology and build confidence before your first class.

So before going live, perform a test stream to ensure all equipment, software, and settings function properly. Check the audio and video quality.

Test interactive features. Troubleshoot any technical issues. Provide a seamless experience for your students.

7. Initiate Live Streaming Classroom

Once you have completed the necessary preparations, it’s time to start the live-streaming session. Set up your chosen platform, check the camera angle and lighting, position your teaching materials, and welcome your students. 

Engage with them, deliver your content, and encourage participation throughout your online lecture.

Why Create Your Own Educational Streaming Platform With VPlayed?

VPlayed offers a comprehensive e-learning platform for seamless education video streaming. Unlike traditional video streaming platforms, VPlayed offers a fully-functional educational video streaming platform that is miles ahead of the competition.

classroom video on demand solution

Let’s look at what you get with VPlayed.

  1. 100% Customizable Solution: Personalize your educational platform according to your specific requirements, branding, and design preferences. Vplayed offers a fully-customizable white-label streaming platform.
  2. Easy-to-use CMS: Effortlessly manage your educational content with an intuitive and user-friendly content management system. The content management system is designed so educators with little technical knowledge can easily manage and distribute content.
  3. Flexibility to Set Your Own Pricing: Determine the best pricing models for your online classes, from subscriptions to rentals and more. Unlike most other platforms, with monthly recurring payments or usage fees, VPlayed comes with a one-time payment. You buy the platform once and own it forever. VPlayed allows you to keep 100% of the money you earn by yourself. 
  4. Seamless Payment Integration: Integrate a range of payment options such as paywalls, auto-debit, and one-time payments for convenient transactions.
  5. Highly Secure: Safeguard your valuable educational content with robust security measures, including Multi-DRM, AES encryption, and SSL certificates.
  6. Live Chat for Teacher-Student Interaction: Foster real-time interaction and engagement between teachers and students through integrated live chat functionality.
  7. Real-Time Analytics: Gain valuable insights into student behavior, engagement, and performance through comprehensive analytics and reporting features.
  8. Support for VOD and Live Streaming: Deliver both pre-recorded video-on-demand (VOD) content and live-streaming sessions for a versatile learning experience.

So it is obvious that due to the unparalleled flexibility and convenience of the platform, several edu-tech companies like Learning Space and Paroah Aten University have preferred VPlayed over the rest. 


Live streaming online classes offer numerous benefits that make them an effective approach to education in the 21st century. 

Firstly, they provide convenience and flexibility, enabling students to access classes from any location at their own pace. 

Secondly, live streaming facilitates real-time interaction between teachers and students, promoting engagement and immediate feedback. 

Additionally, recording sessions allows for later review, aiding comprehension and accommodating varied schedules.

Moreover, live streaming platforms often include interactive features of online video education platforms like chat and polls, fostering active participation and collaboration. By embracing live streaming classroom, educators can enhance accessibility, engagement, and student learning outcomes.

If You Already Have An Idea To Start An Online Learning Platform, Schedule a Free Demo And We’ll Get You On The Road To Educational Video Streaming Success

Frequently Ask Questions(FAQ)

The ancient gurukul system where knowledge was enlightened by gurus in the traditional setup. As ages passed by, due to urbanization education saw its flourishing prevalence in the metros. But, now students around the globe can attend classes flexibly & conveniently, all thanks to the innovation of the best online live teaching platform.

Teachers & school administrators now have access to cutting-edge technology, and they may stream lessons and events live in their virtual classrooms using well-known online class platforms, allowing a larger audience to watch and even participate through several interactive activities.

Many courses don't necessitate in-person teaching or the use of screen presentations. Course materials, for example, can be emailed as a.pdf file, allowing students to study at their own pace at home. Professors from High School University Music Schools are among the teachers over the last several weeks who are now streaming their courses. There are some Yoga Centers and Dance Academies who prefer conducting online classes via live streaming.

An email with a link to the live streaming class will be sent to participants. Depending on your time zone, the lesson will be broadcast at convenient hours. Rather than traveling to the place, your users will attend via computer or other device with an internet connection, a webcam, speakers, and a microphone.

Brindalakshmi Rajkumar is a blogger & digital marketer. I'm enthusiastic about learning about new advancements in the video streaming services & online video platform in the market. I collaborate with various organizations and help analyze their competitors to provide them with better strategies to improve and keep their businesses up to date.


  1. Melody Tran Reply

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  2. Jackie Sandoval Reply

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  3. Karl Walker Reply

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  4. Candice Kennedy Reply

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  5. Williamson Reply

    Hi,Great piece of article, These steps really makes lecturers to live stream effortlessly. VPlayed has live DVR? If so, Can viewers pause, rewind in the middle of a live lecture, and even start it from the beginning if they join late? Thanks

  6. Glen Chapman Reply

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    Thanks in advance

  7. Fernando Todd Reply

    I really enjoyed this post Gopi & it’s very timely.
    Also the classroom live streaming helps teachers to provide in-person classroom experience and engage students with face-to-face interactions.

  8. Carolyn Brady Reply

    Through the live streaming classes students are able to see and hear the teacher, facilitating the dynamics and connection that occurs in a classroom.

  9. Gregg Byrd Reply

    Online classes taught through video streaming platform for education proves their effectiveness and preference for the vast majority of viewers

  10. Frederick Becker Reply

    By this article we can understand how streaming live online classes can improve students communication with the teachers interactivity

  11. Jessie Saunders Reply

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  12. Ernesto Mack Reply

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  13. Marjorie Stevens Reply

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  14. Jamie Thomas Reply

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  15. Paulette Young Reply

    Hi, Thanks for sharing such a insightful article. In this current situation it’s really helpful on how to live stream a class. Also, is it possible to record all the video content that has been streaming, for re-packaging it as an automated class down the road? Thanks!

  16. Cedric Casey Reply

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  17. Fredrick Haynes Reply

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  18. Michael Scott Reply

    Thanks for this insightful article. we are facing compatibility issues (with OS, browsers or smartphones), while launching our live streaming classroom courses which makes students to give up. please guide me to resolve this issue?

  19. Jenna Brown Reply

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  20. Arlene Page Reply

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  28. Feranado Reply

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  29. Damon Reply

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  31. Ansar Reply

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  32. Jamashid Reply

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  33. Mitchell Reply

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  34. Mills Reply

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  35. Sandra Reply

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  36. Glen Reply

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  37. Janet Reply

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  38. Richard Reply

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