fast channels

What is Fast Channel? A Full Meaning, Definition of Fast TV Streaming

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Easy-to-use and fast channel streaming services are getting increasingly popular among media consumers.

And this isn’t surprising.


Because everyone loves consuming engaging, on-demand content. And even more so when it comes free of cost.

So, FAST channels have been making waves in the streaming industry for several reasons.

According to a recent report by eMarketer, the number of FAST channel users in the United States is expected to reach 182.5 million by 2024.

Several factors drive this tremendous growth. But two of them are crucial behind the rapid proliferation of FAST channels. 

One, the increased availability of high-speed internet.

Two, the growing popularity of OTT streaming services over traditional cable televisions.

Major media conglomerates and streaming platforms have recognized the potential of FAST channels. Consequently, platforms — like Netflix and Disney+ — have been investing heavily in their development and expansion.

So, in this blog, let’s discuss everything about FAST channels.

But, before proceeding, we have got an important question to answer.

What is a FAST Channel?

A FAST channel or a FAST TV refers to Free Ad-supported Streaming TV.

As the name suggests, FAST channels let you watch TV shows, movies, and other videos for free of cost. 

However, to compensate for the ‘free streaming,’ they also include advertisements when the content is played.

So, they are similar to traditional television, where commercials interrupt the shows. 

However, with FAST channels, you can access the content via the internet on various devices like smartphones, tablets, or smart TVs.

The reason why these channels are free is because the advertisements generate revenue for the platform. Companies or brands pay to have their ads shown to the viewers. This allows the platform to offer the content to users without charging them directly.

So, for who is a FAST channel meant?

FAST channels are meant for people who don’t want to pay for subscription-based streaming services

They give you access to various shows and movies without a monthly subscription fee. And, you must watch ad commercials in return. 

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Types of FAST Channel Streaming Services

FAST channel services are classified into various types based on availability and genres.

  • Platform-agnostic FAST channels:

They can be accessed on various devices like smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs.

Example: Pluto TV is available on multiple platforms.

  • Platform-exclusive FAST channels:

These FAST streaming services are only available on specific devices or platforms.

Example: Apple TV+ is exclusive to Apple devices.

  • Niche/syndicated FAST channels:

They focus on specific genres or themes, catering to a particular target audience. 

Example: Shudder specializes in horror movies.

  • Branded FAST channels:

They are associated with specific networks or studios.

Example: NBC News Now is a branded FAST channel associated with NBC.

  • Pure FAST channels:

They offer free content with ads. Users can enjoy the content without paying a premium or any subscription fees.

Example: Tubi provides a pure FAST service.

  • Premium FAST channels:

They demand a subscription fee and offer an ad-free experience. 

Example: Peacock Premium is a premium FAST service that offers an ad-free viewing option.

How Does FAST TV Channel Work?

FAST TV channel, or Free Ad-Supported Streaming TV, works by delivering video content over the internet. The video content could be television shows, movies, sports streaming, or others. 

The subscribers can straightaway access these programs on devices like smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs.

Let us understand how a FAST channel works with a real-world example. 

Let’s assume you want to watch something on FAST TV.  

Firstly, you connect to the internet, open a streaming app, or visit a website. 

Secondly, on this app or website, from the catalog, you browse a selection of TV shows made available for free. 

Once you select a program, it begins to play on your device.

The content on FAST TV is made available at no cost to users because of advertisements. And these advertisements play at certain intervals during the program. 

The ads help generate revenue for the platform. This allows the broadcasters to stream the content to viewers without charging them directly.

The ads can be for different products, services, or even other TV shows. They act like commercials that you would typically see on conventional television. 

After the ad finishes, the program you were watching resumes from it stopped. 

FAST TV adjusts the video quality based on your internet connection speed. So, a smooth playback is ensured every time you tune in. 

In addition, it uses adaptive streaming technology to optimize the video playback for your network conditions. This helps provide a good viewing experience without interruptions or buffering.

Why is FAST Channel Streaming Important?

FAST streaming is important for several reasons.

Firstly, it provides viewers access to a wide range of content at virtually no cost.

This is particularly beneficial for those who cannot afford or do not want to pay for subscription-based streaming services.

In other words, it democratizes entertainment by offering free and legal options for accessing content. 

Secondly, FAST streaming helps bridge the gap between traditional TV broadcasting and the convenience of streaming. 

But how?

It brings the familiarity of scheduled programming to the streaming landscape. 

This can be comforting for audiences who prefer a curated content selection without having to search and select programs actively every time. 

Moreover, FAST streaming relies on ad-supported models. In FAST streaming, advertisers pay for ad placements during the content. 

This creates a mutually beneficial relationship between viewers, video streaming platforms, and advertisers. 

Viewers get free access to content, platforms generate revenue, and advertisers reach a targeted audience — a win-win situation for all. 

Lastly, FAST streaming promotes accessibility and convenience. 

It enables users to watch their favorite shows and movies on various devices. In other words, it provides flexibility in how and when they consume content. 

It breaks the limitations of traditional broadcasting schedules and allows viewers to consume content on demand. 

How Is The FAST TV Different From AVOD?

A FAST TV differs from an AVOD platform in several ways, although they may appear similar initially. 

Let’s understand how FAST TV differs from AVOD from the tabular column.

FAST TV (Free Ad-Supported Streaming TV)AVOD (Advertising-Based Video on Demand)
DefinitionThey are streaming platforms with free content and intermittent ads.Any on-demand video content delivered over the internet and supported by advertisements.
FormatFAST channels typically follow the structure of traditional TV broadcasting.It may encompass various streaming formats, including TV shows, movies, and other video content.
Ad PlacementAds are inserted at specific intervals during the content.Depending on the platform and format, ads can be inserted before, during, or after the content.
AccessibilityAccessible through particular platforms or devices.It can be accessed through a wide range of platforms and devices, including streaming services and websites.
Content SelectionCurated selection of TV shows, movies, and video content.It can include various video content, not limited to traditional TV programs.
Revenue ModelRevenue is generated only through advertising partnerships.Revenue is generated through advertising partnerships and potentially other monetization models like subscriptions or transactions.

Benefits of FAST TV for Streaming Platforms

FAST TV channels have solid advantages over conventional streaming channels. 

1. Increased Revenue Generation:

FAST channels allow streaming companies to generate revenue through advertising partnerships. It provides a free content model while still earning from ad placements. 

For context, an S&P Global report suggests the total FAST ad revenues in the US could approach $4 billion in 2022 alone. 

2. Expanded User Base:

Giving free access to content means streaming companies can reach more audiences. This includes viewers who are hesitant to pay for subscription-based services.

3. Improved Scalability and Monetization Potential:

FAST TV allows streaming companies to scale their operations more efficiently. How? 

Because the ad-supported model can accommodate a more extensive user base without individual subscriptions. 

This improved scalability can lead to increased revenue potential and growth opportunities.

4. Advertising Reach:

Streaming companies can leverage the ad-supported model of FAST TV to offer targeted advertising options. Besides, it allows advertisers to reach specific demographics and audiences.

5. Competitive Edge:

Streaming companies can gain a competitive advantage by using FAST TV. This technology provides a combination of scheduled programming and on-demand content. 

6. Improved Reliability:

FAST channels optimize streaming infrastructure to ensure smoother playback and minimize buffering issues. So it provides a more reliable and seamless viewing experience.


FAST channels have undoubtedly revolutionized the streaming landscape worldwide. They offer a win-win situation for all stakeholders involved — viewers, advertisers, and streaming companies. 

Fast Channels offer the best of both worlds — a curated selection of the most watched videos and the convenience of on-demand viewing. 

As the number of FAST channel users continues to spike, it’s clear that this trend is here to stay. 

Whether you’re looking for a new way to watch TV or want to try something different, FAST channels are worth checking out.

So, say goodbye to costly subscriptions and embrace the freedom and entertainment that Fast Channels bring to your streaming journey.

If You Already Have An Idea To Start A Fast Channel, Schedule A Free Demo And We’ll Get You On The Road To Video Streaming Success

Brindalakshmi Rajkumar is a blogger & digital marketer. I'm enthusiastic about learning about new advancements in the video streaming services & online video platform in the market. I collaborate with various organizations and help analyze their competitors to provide them with better strategies to improve and keep their businesses up to date.


  1. Caroline Snyder Reply

    Hello, we frequently live stream events to our Fast channel but the sound quality is poor and our internet isn’t fast enough to give quality video feed. Can your live streaming service help with this? Thank you!

  2. Cary Hopkins Reply

    Hi, We are looking to launch a VOD platform for our TV channel and Radio station based on a FAST and SVOD business model.

  3. Tara Hardy Reply

    Hi, We’re looking to build a PVOD rental service for movies and tv shows with capabilities to support HLS FAST CHANNEL streaming within a video player— Cheers,

  4. Loren Manning Reply

    We are looking for a service to launch an AVOD service and FAST Channel. We currently have over 600 hours of content and are producing original content in support of a high refresh rate. Would like understand your services. Looking forward.

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